TheParchi provides paperless, contactless and digital mechanism for proof and record keeping of goods delivered, received, sold and bought. A unique platform which completely removes all the physical paper work of delivery challan and invoices exchanged between two business entities or individuals. The features integrated in Theparchi helps small to large businesses to manage and operate all their processes of goods delivery & receipt to sales & purchase. It reduces the involvement of manpower as well as human error in calculation involved in record keeping. Multi-user functionality for single organisation gives complete control to business owners to keep check and track of all the departments.SENDER & RECEIVER PANEL:Sender- Is the one who send certain goods to other business entity on returnable basis. That means goods sent by sender to receiver will be returned back to sender after certain time interval. Receiver- Is the one who takes goods from other business entity and return them back after certain time interval.For sending Goods sender makes delivery challans and also receives back Goods on Return Challan made by Receiver. TheParchi helps in making digital challan between both businesses and give instant report of total sent, received & balance quantity. Approval, rejection or rectification request is made digitally with proper record of each action for future reference.All records are stored online for 24/7 access.